Booking Your Podcast Interview

Please follow the form below.

This page will provide next step guidance for inquiries who have been invited to become a guest on the Bank On It podcast with John Siracusa

The first step is to ensure you have the proper setup. Most importantly we need to ensure you have a cardioid USB microphone.  In this post, you can look at examples of a cardioid USB microphone among some best practices for optimal sound as well.  If you already have an external USB microphone and believe it’s cardioid, please provide a link to it in the form below.  

The next step is to book your 30 minute sound check.  (please make sure that the sound check occurs at least 24-48 hours prior to your interview) Please follow the steps below in the form.

The final step is to book your 60 minute interview.  Please follow the steps below in the form.


If you’re looking for more information such as show stats or typical questions asked, you can find all that and more here.